Nonton Film What Keeps You Alive (2018) Sub Indo

What Keeps You Alive (2018)

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Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo  IMDB Jackie (Hannah Emily Anderson) takes her wife Jules (Brittany Allen) to a remote cabin to celebrate their first anniversary. Jules, however, becomes suspicious when Jackie’s former childhood friend, Sarah, visits and addresses Jackie as “Megan”. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jackie explains that she changed her name by choice but Jules isn’t satisfied and rows across the lake to the house where Sarah and her husband Daniel live. IMDB Sarah explains that Jenny, a girl who was friends with both her and Jackie, accidentally drowned in the lake when they were young and expresses surprise that Jackie/Megan has never mentioned this. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo  Returning home, Jules takes a walk with Jackie who claims that she’d failed to mention Jenny because she believed the accident was her fault. Seemingly satisfied by this explanation, Jules embraces her wife who, moments later, suddenly shoves her off the edge of a steep outcropping, landing heavily on the ground below. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jackie returns to the cabin, practising the tearful phone call she’s going to make to the police, reporting her death. But Jules, while seriously hurt, is still alive.

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo When Jackie discovers her wife isn’t dead, she searches the forest for her, sobbing and begging Jules for forgiveness. Jules is about to go to her when Jackie, unaware she’s being watched, reveals her concern is an act. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jules flees and, jumping into a boat, makes it halfway across the lake before Jackie catches up to her. IMDB Daniel sees the pair and, despite Jackie’s threats, Jules arranges for them to come for dinner later that evening, rather than the day after as planned. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Taking Jules back home, Jackie reveals that she never loved her wife and instead intends to kill her to cash in on her life insurance policy. It’s also heavily implied that Jackie was responsible for Jenny’s death. IMDB Sarah is suspicious of Jackie but goes to their house for dinner, with Daniel. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Having threatened to kill both Sarah and Daniel, Jackie forces Jules to pretend everything is normal but she catches Jules trying to warn Sarah. IMDB Jackie kills both Sarah and Daniel, forcing Jules to help her dispose of the bodies. filmkeren21.shop

Jules peeks behind the stuffed head of a bear, the animal Jackie supposedly killed as a child, and discovers a box containing necklaces that Jackie has given to her previous wives, whom she all killed. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jules manages to escape by stabbing Jackie with a tranquilizer dart but, fleeing in a car, decides to come back to confront Jackie, waiting for her at the cabin. IMDB The two fight and Jackie eventually gets the upper hand, whereupon she drags Jules outside and throws her over the same cliff-edge from earlier. She returns to the cabin and, confident that Jules is now dead, calls the police to report the “accident”. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jackie (who is a diabetic), injects herself with insulin but she starts to feel woozy. She discovers that, as a last desperate gambit, Jules spiked her insulin with hydrogen peroxide. IMDB The peroxide causes blood clots in her system and, wandering outside, Jackie collapses and presumably dies of a stroke. filmkeren21.shop

Nonton What Keeps You Alive (2018) Film Bioskop Online Sub Indo Jules lies, eyes wide open, at the bottom of the cliff. As the film fades to black, a sharp intake of breath is heard, suggesting Jules may still be alive. filmkeren21.shop

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Duration: 98 Min